Mon: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Tues: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Wed: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Thur: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Fri: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sun: CLOSED
February Special! Especiales de Febrero!
To celebrate the month of friendship we are offering our lowest price ever on our famous Iris Analysis! Para celebrar el mes de amistad estamos ofreciendo nuestro precio mas bajo en nuestro famoso analisis del Iris!
Find great discounts on brands such as Nordic Naturals, Life Seasons, NOW Foods, Terry Naturally, Enzymedica, New Chapter, Pure Essence, Aloe Life, Gaia Herbs, Solaray, Natures Way, Natures Sunshine Products, Flora, Trace Minerals, Bell Lifestyle, Sibu, Bach Flowers, Black Lotus Shilajit, Heritage Store, Desert Essence, Reviva, MRM, Cell Power, Las Vegas Allergy Mix, Los Angeles Allergy Mix, Buddha Teas and Bravo tea! Visit us soon to learn about our other great quality brands such as, American Health, Aztec Secret, Bioray, Bragg, Emerita, Health Plus, Herbatint, Herbs for Kids, Hyalogic, Hylands, L.A. Naturals, Life Flo, Michaels Health and Vida Sana, MYA, Natural Care, Neocell, Ollois, Pure Planet, Ridgecrest Herbals, Silver Wings, Similisan, Source Naturals, The Relief Products, Youtheory and much more!!
¡Encuentre excelentes descuentos en marcas como Nordic Naturals, Life Seasons, NOW Foods, Terry Naturally, Enzymedica, New Chapter, Pure Essence, Aloe Life, Gaia Herbs, Solaray, Natures Way, Natures Sunshine Products, Flora, Trace Minerals, Bell Lifestyle, Sibu, Bach Flowers, Black Lotus Shilajit, Heritage Store, Desert Essence, Reviva, MRM, Cell Power, Las Vegas Allergy Mix, Los Angeles Allergy Mix, Buddha Teas and Bravo tea! Visítenos pronto para ver hasta mas marcas de alta calidad a la venta como American Health, Aztec Secret, Bioray, Bragg, Emerita, Health Plus, Herbatint, Herbs for Kids, Hyalogic, Hylands, L.A. Naturals, Life Flo, Michaels Health and Vida Sana, MYA, Natural Care, Neocell, Ollois, Pure Planet, Ridgecrest Herbals, Silver Wings, Similisan, Source Naturals, The Relief Products, Youtheory and much more!!
We carry a great selection for your convenience of : Ear Candles, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Incense, Chakra Candles, Crystals and Sage Sticks, Teas and herbs, Vegan supplements, Non-GMO or Organic supplements, Childrens supplements, Local Honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and Manuka Honey, Natural Beverages, Snacks, Health Books, Irish Moss, Maca, Protein shakes, Homeopathic remedies, 100% Pure Essential Oils and Diffusers, Full Body Cleanse and Natural Personal Care and Skin care products like Hair Dye, Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap Bars, Lotions, Moisturizers, Cleansers, Masks, Sprays and Dental Care.
Tenemos una gran selección para su conveniencia: Velas para los oídos, Lámparas de sal del Himalaya, Incienso, Velas para las chakras, Quarzos, Tés y hierbas, Suplementos veganos, Suplementos orgánicos, Suplementos para niños, Miel local y Miel de manuka, Bebidas naturales y aperitivos sabrosos, Libros para la salud, Musgo irlandés, Maca, Batidos de proteínas, Remedios homeopáticos, aceites esenciales 100% puros y difusores, limpieza y desintoxicación para todo el cuerpo, y productos naturales para el cuidado personal como tinte para el cabello, champús, acondicionadores, barras de jabón, lociones, humectante de piel, Limpiadores, Mascarillas, Agua de rosas y cuidado dental.
Yes! We carry 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide! ¡Tenemos peróxido de hidrógeno de grado alimenticio 35 %!